Are There Brown Recluse Spiders in Southern California?

Long Story Short: There Are No Brown Recluse Spiders in SOCAL Contrary to all the hysteria surrounding brown recluse spiders and the dangers they pose to humans, residents in Southern California don’t need to fret over the brown recluse spider. Brown recluse spiders simply do not live in any area of Southern California, including: Palm […]
Which Spiders Are Venomous?
Spiders are often demonized in film and popular culture, portrayed as vicious little monsters with lethal bites. And don’t get us wrong spiders are creepy; with their spindly legs and multitudes of eyes, it’s no coincidence that we use this creepy crawler for Halloween decorations. So, we don’t blame you for being wary around them: […]
So Long, Spiders: Making Infestations a Thing of the Past

Spiders are icky creatures that no one wants around, but they still show up against our wishes. You’ve probably spotted one in your bathroom or basement before, only to have the living daylights scared out of you (and their potentially venomous bites are scary enough). But you don’t have to live with the fear of […]
Keep Out the Bad Bugs (and Little 4-Legged Beasts) of Winter
Every year, as summer turns to fall, the other technicians and I are given a moment to catch our breath. The ants – which represent about 65% of our emergency calls each year generally stop trying to invade Southern California homes by late October. Right around Thanksgiving, though, the winter pests come knocking – rats, […]
Halloween Pest Control: When Halloween Decor Becomes Reality

When the chill of autumn arrives, so do some of the season’s scariest decorations. Witches, ghosts, vampires, and mummies are the season’s headliners, but what about their trusty sidekicks? It’s nearly impossible to create a truly spooktacular Halloween display without pests like spiders, insects, rats, and mice. But what happens when these frightening decorations become […]
7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Pests
Some ants protect their nests with their heads Aside from being able to carry objects 50 times their own body weight, ants display another behavior that is quite spectacular. head to protect its colony from unwanted guests. Ants use to live alongside the dinosaurs over 130 million years ago. Fossilized evidence of ants and other […]
Twas the night before Christmas
A concerned individual ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Creatures were stirring, including a mouse Neither of us had a clue how they got here Our house is infested I told my dear The children were awake stirring in their beds While visions of spiders danced in their heads When out […]
Printable: The 4 Arachnids to Avoid
We are always asked how to tell the difference between a harmless and dangerous spider. Which spiders are poisonous are which are not? Well, here it is. A quick and easy reference guide to the four arachnids to avoid in Southern California. Print it out, stick on your fridge, bulletin board or keep a handy […]