Allow us to explain:
Today, responsible pest control operators view themselves as guardians of the environment. Nowadays, we seek ways to minimize applications of pesticides, instead opting for highly targeted products that avoid collateral damage to your living area and to our community. We seek to find each pest’s specific Kryptonite. We have learned that no matter how super the bug is, there exists a unique element that will take it down.
Sound like science fiction?
Think about chocolate. You like it, right? (If not, I fear this relationship won’t work out.) You eat it. It makes you smile. What happens if a dog eats it? No more dog.
Think about salt. You eat salt. But you wouldn’t feed it to your pet snail.
This is the mentality we apply to creating new pest control applications.
When we treat for ants, for example, we use the same chemical that pet owners across the nation apply directly to the necks of their dogs and cats to protect against fleas.
When we treat for roaches, we apply a dime-sized dab of our Next Gen roach gel baits. It looks like toothpaste. In fact, if you were to put the gel in your mouth it would actually be less toxic than the toothpaste you currently use every day (no brightening, though… sorry.). But to cockroaches, these gels mean lights-out.
Beyond physical products, our technicians are dedicated to precluding pests from entering your home. We determine why the pests are attracted, and we look for ways to seal off their access. Is there a leaky faucet causing ants to congregate there? Are there openings in and around your attic that serve as the perfect door for rodents?
Over the counter, do-it-yourself (DIY) products like Black Flag and Raid can be so much worse for your family, your pets, and the environment. These types of products introduce airborne pesticides into your living space. And contrary to popular usage standards, the safe serving size is NOT the whole can!
The products and strategies that we apply to homes are the same ones that we use every single day in hospitals, day care centers, veterinarian offices – even the San Diego Zoo.
Want more history?
Pest control in 2011 is not your grandfather’s exterminatin’ of yesteryear.
A variety of ideals and evolving treatments options have converged to make pest control a truly safe option for people looking for ways to protect their homes from invading pests.
“But they were here first,” comes a familiar protest from people who think that preserving invasive species is best for the environment.
But no; and they weren’t here first. Humans brought them. Norwegian rats don’t belong here. German and Oriental cockroaches don’t belong here. Africanized honey bees don’t belong here. Argentine ants don’t belong here.
In fact, Argentine ants, the predominant species in Southern California, have been called an “ecological disaster,” by biologists and ecologists. The Argentine ant has displaced the native species and wreaked havoc on a scale previously unseen in our region.
So how do we get rid of these pests that have taken hold? In the old days, the answer was too often found in chemicals. And the more, the better. Now, as responsible pest control operators, we use a targeted approach to pest control, making pest control safe for your family and pets.
If you ever have any specific concerns, we are always happy to share Manufacturer Safety Data Sheets (MSDS and labels) so that your vet or your doctor can vouch for the continued the safety and security of your environment.