Why Do I Have Ants in My Home? How Do I Get Rid of Ants?

If you happen to spot a trail of ants in your home or business, the Argentine ant is likely the culprit. But what has made these insects such a widespread concern in our region? And why do you have these ants in your area? Argentine Ants: Southern California’s Insect Invaders As one of the most […]
How Ants Became Southern California’s Number One Nuisance Pest

Ants are the worst pest in the world, and we’re not exaggerating when we say that. Homeowners say so, listing the insects before cockroaches, spiders, and bed bugs. But even though ants don’t spread diseases or bite like other common pests, they’re still a major nuisance. With colonies that are not only massive, but also […]
Do Ants Sting?

Ants – when they’re somewhere, they’re everywhere. In the late summer, it seems you can’t leave any food out without returning to find them crawling around in it. If you’ve never woken up to find a line of ants marching through your bathroom, well, kudos. But when it gets hot out in Southern California, ants […]
Pests Don’t Celebrate Labor Day: Check Your Home
This Labor Day you might find yourself with your feet up and the television on, what you won’t find is pests around your home taking it easy. Pests can invade your home any time of the year, they don’t take days off. The good news is that you can help keep your home pest-free with […]
The Journey of Argentine Ants
In Southern California, we see our share of ants. In fact, we’ve written several posts about why you get ants in your home , how to prevent ants, and how to treat ants. Here at Lloyd Pest Control, we are always on the lookout for news and discussions about our favorite topic – pests! Recently, we […]