Spiders are often demonized in film and popular culture, portrayed as vicious little monsters with lethal bites. And don’t get us wrong spiders are creepy; with their spindly legs and multitudes of eyes, it’s no coincidence that we use this creepy crawler for Halloween decorations. So, we don’t blame you for being wary around them: Spiders are spooky, man!
But are they dangerous? For the most part, no. Still, as Southern California’s spider control experts, we’d like to tell you about the few spider species you should look out for.
In our region, there are three main species of spiders that are actually venomous: the brown widow, black widow, and desert recluse.
Black widows are the spiders that routinely haunt us in our sleep. Perhaps the most notorious venomous spider, the black widow is easily identifiable by its shiny black body, severely jagged legs, and signature rust-colored hourglass shape on its abdomen. Female black widows have the strongest bite; adult male black widows are smaller and have much smaller venom reserves than the ladies. Black widows account for most of the venomous spider bites in Southern California, which often require medical care.
Brown widows are non-native to Southern California, and relatively new to the region. Like their name implies, these guys are in the same family as the black widow, but the similarities end there. Brown widows look a lot different (they’re brown, obviously), and they’re far less dangerous. Their venom is fairly potent, but they inject so little that a bite typically poses no serious consequence besides pain and a small mark.
The infamous brown recluse isn’t native to our area, but its close relative in the desert recluse is. It’s the only spider in the area apart from the black widow to have medically significant venom, but there have only been a few confirmed sightings here. Symptoms of a desert recluse bite include necrosis (dead tissue) and open, ulcerating sores. Although you have a better chance of winning the lottery than being bit by this spider, in the rare chance that you do, seek medical treatment immediately.
These three species of spiders (and the brown recluse that you’ll likely never see) prefer to be left alone – that’s what makes them unlikely to bite you in the first place. Still, you don’t want to take any risks if they manage to become your new roommates. The last thing you want is to deal with a venomous bite (trust us, they’re not fun).
If these eight-legged pests and their obvious health concerns do show up, contact Lloyd Pest Control for professional spider prevention in Southern California.